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Главная » Файлы » » Сборки Windows

Windows 7 x86 Ultimate (DNA7 x86 1.2)
Скачать с сервера Скачать удаленно Скриншот 04.04.2010, 09:41
Вашему вниманию предлагается сборка от DNA Project, основаная на оригинальном финальном образе Microsoft Windows 7 x86 RUS. Системе присвоен оригинальный стиль оформления DNA, также добавлены необходимые для работы компоненты и набор програмного обеспечения. Система стабильна и полностью рабочая.

На мульти-загрузочном диске предоставлены:

* Драйверпак
* Сборник активаторов
* Подборка обновлений с авто установкой
* Активация функции смены экрана приветствия


* Контроль учетных записей (UAC) (Выключено)
* Защита от шпионского и вредоносного ПО (Выключено)
* Пропатчены системные файлы отвечающие за применение сторонних тем
* Набор популярных твиков системы
* Изменен экран приветствия
* Изменен интерфейс установки

Программное обеспечение, без возможности выбора:

* Java
* WinRAR
* HashTab v3
* Directx9 (Добавляет недостающие компоненты)
* Notepad++
* Flash Plugins
* Visual C++


* Пакет дополнений к панели управления (смотрите скриншоты)
* Пакет дополнительных обой
* Пакет дополнительных тем
* Пакет дополнительных курсоров


* Используется автоматическая версия активатора "Loader"

Пакет драйверов:

* Audio
* Cardreaders
* Chipset
* Graphics
* Graphics Mobile
* Lan
* Masstorage
* Touchpad Mouse
* Webcam
* Wlan

Доступные обновления в меню авторана диска:

* Critical pre Service Pack 1 для Windows 7 x86 версии 10.3.27
o KB890830-v.3.5 - Средство удаления вредоносных программ для Microsoft Windows удаляет некоторые из наиболее распространенных видов вредоносных программ с компьютеров под управлением Windows 7 за март 2010г.
o KB971033 - Description of the update for Windows Activation Technologies.
o KB971468 - MS10-012: Vulnerabilities in SMB Server could allow remote code execution
o KB972270 - MS10-001: Уязвимости в Embedded OpenType Font Engine могут делать возможным удаленное выполнение программного кода
o KB974431 - An update is available to improve the stability and reliability of Windows 7 and of Windows Server 2008 R2
o KB974571 - MS09-056: уязвимости в CryptoAPI делают возможным спуфинг
o KB975467 - MS09-059: уязвимость в службе LSASS позволяет вызвать отказ в обслуживании
o KB975560 - MS10-013: Description of the security update for Quartz: February 9, 2010
o KB976098 - December 2009 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft Windows operating systems
o KB976264-v2 - Обновление устраняет проблемы совместимости приложений в ОС Windows 7: February 2010.
o KB976662 - Обновление улучшает совместимость формата JSON в веб-браузере Internet Explorer 8 с новым, пятым выпуском стандарта ECMAScript.
o KB977074 - The January 2010 stability and reliability update for Windows 7.
o KB977165 - MS10-015: Vulnerabilities in Windows kernel could allow elevation of privilege
o KB977377 - Советы корпорации Майкрософт по безопасности: уязвимость в безопасном канале TLS/SSL делает возможным спуфинг.
o KB977863 - February 2010 Windows Media Center Cumulative Update for Windows 7.
o KB978207 - MS10-002: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer 8
o KB978251 - MS10-006: Уязвимость в протоколе SMB делает возможным удаленное выполнение кода
o KB978262 - MS10-008: Накопительное обновление безопасности для элемента управления ActiveX Kill Bits
o KB979099 - An update is available to remove the application manifest expiry feature from AD RMS clients
o KB980302 - A Compatibility View list update is available for Windows Internet Explorer 8: March 23, 2010
o KB980423 - FIX: You experience several issues when you use Powershell cmdlets or AppFabric features in IIS 7.0 or IIS 7.5.
o KB981128 - A hotfix is available to update the Daylight Saving Time for the "(UTC-04:00) Asuncion", "(UTC+12:00) Fiji” and "(UTC-04:00) Santiago” time zone for Windows Operating Systems включает February 2010 cumulative time zone update for Windows operating systems.
o KB981129 - An update to the TV tuner functionality in Windows Media Center is available for Windows 7.
o KB981130 - Windows Media Center may display Low Bit Rate overlay messages on a computer that is running Windows 7.

* Security pre Service Pack 1 для Windows 7 x86 версии 10.1.28
o KB890830-v.3.3 - Средство удаления вредоносных программ для Microsoft Windows удаляет некоторые из наиболее распространенных видов вредоносных программ с компьютеров под управлением Windows 7 за январь 2009г.
o KB123334 - Requirements for Animated Cursors (Microsoft-Windows-IEInstal assembly that updates IEInstal.exe in %ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\ folder to version 8.0.7600.16399 or 8.0.7600.20495)
o KB123456 - BUG: MSCDEX May Not Detect Disk Change (Microsoft-Windows-notepad revision distribution that updates Notepad.exe to 6.1.7600.16399 or 6.1.7600.20495)
o KB674101 - Microsoft-Windows-ServicingStack version 6.1.7600.16411
o KB674103 - A update that upgrades Win32k, User32, TCP/IP Binaries (tcpip.sys), SxS, NDIS (ndis.sys), GDI32 and Common Controls components to version 6.1.7600.14000 or 6.1.7600.20496.
o KB675606 - cdrom.inf, usb.inf, usbport.inf, umbus.inf version 6.1.7600.20493
o KB917607 - без исправления не удаётся открыть файлы справки, для которых требуется программа "Справка Windows" (WinHlp32.exe)
o KB947821-v4 - Описание средства проверки готовности системы к обновлению для Windows 7
o KB954664 - MIB interface information that is collected by the IP Helper API is blank or incomplete on a computer that is running a non-English version of Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista
o KB958488 - Installation of .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features/WCF Activation/HTTP Activation fails with error 0x80070643 when .NET 4 beta 1 is installed
o KB958559 - Description of Windows Virtual PC
o KB970413 - The Win32_Process class returns incorrect CreationDate property during the first week after daylight saving time begins or ends
o KB971601 - FIX: The performance counters that monitor an application stop responding when the application exits and restarts and you receive the System.InvalidOperationException exception on a computer that is running .NET Framework 2.0
o KB972270 - MS10-001: Уязвимости в Embedded OpenType Font Engine могут делать возможным удаленное выполнение программного кода
o KB972831 -v4 - The IEEE 802.1X authentication protocol is not supported in Windows Preinstall Environment (PE) 3.0
o KB973062 - The audio redirection feature does not work when you use Remote Desktop Connection Client for Mac 2.0 to make a terminal server session to a computer that is running Windows 7
o KB973525 - MS09-055: накопительное обновление безопасности для элемента управления ActiveX Kill Bits
o KB973529 - Automatic configuration does not work in Internet Explorer 8
o KB973751 - Two identical Portuguese language options appear on the language selection screen during Windows 7 installation
o KB973874 - A Compatibility View list update is available for Windows Internet Explorer 8: August 25, 2009
o KB974039 - Update to Windows 7 Image Based Setup-Media and Setup Navigation Wizard Framework to version 6.1.7600.20497
o KB974090 - An update is available that allows for a potential power saving in an AMD multicore processor that is running an x64-based version of Windows 7
o KB974138 - Update to Windows Search Engine to version 7.0.7600.16401 or 7.0.7600.20497
o KB974176 - Daylight saving time (DST) 2009 hotfix for the "(GMT+02:00) Cairo" and "(GMT+08:00) Perth" time zones for Windows 7
o KB974179 - Microsoft-Windows-explorer version 6.1.7600.20500 (removed in new version)
o KB974204 - Microsoft-Windows-License-OEM-%Version OS%.Resources version 6.1.7600.20504
o KB974259 - A Windows 7-based computer that is equipped with a hybrid television tuner does not enter sleep mode
o KB974324 - Black and white pixels unexpectedly appear on the right side of the screen when you run Windows Media Center in full-screen mode in Windows 7
o KB974327 - Microsoft-Windows-LDDMCore version 6.1.7600.20503
o KB974332 - Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Application Compatibility Update
o KB974431 - An update is available to improve the stability and reliability of Windows 7
o KB974473 - Microsoft MediaCenter Playback (ehshell) version 6.1.7600.20508
o KB974476 - The computer stops responding when an USB device resumes from the USB Selective Suspend state in Windows 7
o KB974537 - Microsoft-Windows-IE-HTMLRendering version 8.0.7600.20513
o KB974560 - Microsoft-Windows-Win32k.sys version 6.1.7600.20518
o KB974571 - MS09-056: уязвимости в CryptoAPI делают возможным спуфинг
o KB974598 - You receive a "Stop 0x0000007E" error on the first restart after you enable Hyper-V on a Windows Server 2008 R2-based computer
o KB974624 - Microsoft-Windows-DrvStore version 6.1.7600.20530
o KB974638 - Microsoft-Windows-X509CertificateEnrollment version 6.1.7600.20520
o KB974639 - SceCli 1202 events are logged every time Computer Group Policy settings are refreshed on a computer that is running Windows 7
o KB974674 - Description of the Windows NT Backup Restore Utility for Windows 7
o KB974817 - Microsoft-Windows-MediaPlayer-Core version 6.1.7600.20518
o KB974912 - Windows Media Center crashes in windowed mode on a computer that is running Windows 7 when you start certain Web applications while you are playing an ISDB-T TV program
o KB974944 - Microsoft-Windows-License-OEM-UltimateN.Resources version "6.1.7600.20541"
o KB975053 - Это обновление устраняет проблему в Windows 7 Media Center в системах с поддержкой вещания ISDB. ISDB — стандарт вещания, разработанный в Японии
o KB975076 - NetFx MSCORPE.DLL version "6.1.7600.20579"
o KB975214 - An End-User Defined Character (EUDC) font that was created in Windows XP cannot be deployed to a computer that is running Windows 7
o KB975243 - The DirectX Diagnostics Tool incorrectly reports DirectX 11 devices as DirectX 10.1 devices on a computer that is running Windows 7
o KB975354 - A Hyper-V update rollup package is available for a computer that is running Windows 7
o KB975415 -v2 - Error message when you pass a variant between a COM client and a COM server in Windows: "0x800706F7 (The stub received bad data)"
o KB975467 - MS09-059: уязвимость в службе LSASS позволяет вызвать отказ в обслуживании
o KB975469 - A Windows Portable Devices (WPD) application crashes intermittently on a computer that is running Windows 7
o KB975496 - A computer stops responding during shutdown if BitLocker is enabled on the system drive on a computer that is running Windows 7
o KB975500 - Low performance when you transfer a large file between an external IEEE 1394 device and a computer that is running Windows 7
o KB975535 - The system becomes unbootable after you add raw disks to a Windows Server 2008 R2-based computer that has EFI enabled
o KB975599 - winusb.inf, transfercable.inf version 6.1.7600.20525
o KB975617 - An update is available for the UDF file system driver (Udfs.sys) for Windows 7
o KB975680 - Virtual Disk Service (VDS) crashes when you try to extend a dynamic volume in an NTFS file system on a computer that is running Windows 7
o KB975688 - A snapshot may become corrupted when the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) snapshot providers take more than 10 seconds to create it on a computer that is running Windows 7
o KB975762 -v2 - Black screen or error message when you watch ISDB-T television programs in Windows Media Center on a Windows 7-based computer
o KB975777 - There is a delay when you shut down, restart, or log off a computer that is running Windows 7
o KB975778 - The Chkdsk.exe program does not start correctly on a Windows 7-based computer
o KB975851-v2 - When you resume a computer that is running Windows 7, WWAN devices do not automatically connect to the target 3G network
o KB975858 - Microsoft-Windows-Security-Schannel version 6.1.7600.20531
o KB975921 - You may be unable to perform certain disk-related operations after an exception when a hardware provider tries to create a snapshot in Windows 7
o KB975992 - After you enable large pages for a process in Windows 7, the process stops responding intermittently
o KB976090 - The On-Screen Keyboard displays the numeric keypad incorrectly after you set the default input language to Chinese (Simplified, PRC) in Windows 7
o KB976092 - sdbus.inf version 6.1.7600.20536
o KB976099 - VSS snapshot creation may fail after a LUN resynchronization on a computer that is running Windows 7
o KB976210 - Microsoft-Windows-Dot3-Netsh-Helper.Resources version "6.1.7600.20568"
o KB976240 - PCI devices are unexpectedly enabled after you resume a Windows 7 system from hibernation
o KB976398 - Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-PolicyMaker version 6.1.7600.20555
o KB976399 - Windows GroupPolicy PolicyMaker version 6.1.7600.20555
o KB976417 - High CPU usage in the Explorer.exe process when you open a folder that contains corrupted .wav files in Windows 7
o KB976418 -
o KB976422 -
o KB976427 - Computers that are running Windows 7 stop responding at a black screen if a screen saver is enabled
o KB976443 - iscsi.inf version 6.1.7600.20557
o KB976462 - A hotfix for the .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 is available for Windows 7 as a prerequisite for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010 beta
o KB976483 -
o KB976494 - Error 1789 when you use the LookupAccountName function on a computer that is running Windows 7
o KB976566 - WCF: InheritSecurityConfiguration (Exchange QFE)
o KB976627 - You cannot use Windows Media Center to play a Microsoft Recorded TV Show file (.dvr-ms) if you set the system locale to Arabic (Saudi Arabia) in Windows 7
o KB976746 - Windows Diskdump version 6.1.7600.20562
o KB976755 - A new user cannot use touch capacity to log on to a computer that is running Windows 7 after it resumes from sleep or hibernation
o KB976782-v2 - Text in the General tab of the Windows Backup task in the Task Scheduler Library is not displayed in the localized language in Windows 7
o KB976883 - Windows Explorer version update 6.1.7600.16450 / 6.1.7600.20563
o KB976887 - Windows OS Kernel version 6.1.7600.20555
o KB976898 - FIX: After you use the ThreadPool.SetMinThreads method in the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, threads maintained by the thread pool do not work as expected
o KB976972 - You encounter problems when you move data over USB from a Windows 7 computer that has an NVIDIA USB EHCI chipset and at least 4GB of RAM
o KB976983 - Windows crypt32.dll version update 6.1.7600.16447 / 6.1.7600.20560
o KB977020 - FIX: An application that is based on Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2 that invokes a Web service call asynchronously throws an exception on a computer that is running Windows 7
o KB977067 - Windows TCPIP Binaries version 6.1.7600.20559
o KB977071 - ehshell version 6.1.7600.20561
o KB977074 - An update is available to improve the stability and the reliability of Windows 7
o KB977158 - DNS updates may be incorrectly reported as failed when you use a third-party DNS server application for DNS registration on a computer that is running Windows 7
o KB977307 - acpi.inf version 6.1.7600.20561
o KB977357
o KB977419
o KB977617 - A notification message is displayed in Romanian on a computer that is running a Czech version of Windows 7
o KB977620
o KB977627
o KB978207 - MS10-002: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer 8
o KB978476 -The MS DTC issue that is fixed in Windows 7 MS DTC Hotfix Rollup Package 1
o KB978506 - A Compatibility View list update is available for Windows Internet Explorer 8: January 26, 2010
o KB978869 - Error message when you try to open a network-shared application on a client computer that is running Windows 7: 0xc000000f

Дополнительные апдейты:

* Windows6.1-KB958488-v6001-x86.msu
* Windows6.1-KB958559-WindowsVirtualPC-x86.msu
* Windows6.1-KB968211-Media-x86.msu
* WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX.cab
* WUClient-SelfUpdate-Aux-TopLevel.cab
* WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-TopLevel.cab
* mpas-fe.exe
* PlayReadyPC-KB971012-v1.3-x86-enu.msi
* Silverlight-v4.0.exe

Инструкция по установке и настройке:

1. На завершающем этапе установки, загружается активатор. Если активация не требуется, нажимаем кнопку отмены, в противном случае ждем и ничего не трогаем. После успешной активации, применяется второй этап активатора, опять ничего не трогаем и ждем окончания операции.
2. Драйверпак с удобным меню установки запускается с меню авторана диска.
3. По желанию можем установить набор обновлений с авторана диска.
4. Экран приветствия вы можете изменить на свой, картинка находится в папке Windows\System32\oobe\Info (картинка не должна превышать 230 кб.)
5. После обновления, данная функция становится недоступной, активировать данную возможность, вы можете с меню авторана сборки.

Контрольные суммы:
CRC32: 06C1490F
MD5: 8B701CFCA920025D7A597BBE4B33D80E
SHA-1: 2B92622D6C717E169807FF01CFC1B52ED49C1A0A
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